Tuesday, June 2, 2009


I am so not a fan of packing! But I love the shopping :-P. I leave in 2 days and I just can't believe it! It still feels like a dream that I'm going to Berlin for 6 weeks with Marybeth! I have been dreaming of going with a friend since I started german in 7th grade!

ANYWAY... I have been packing for quite some time now and now that both of my bags are almost completely done I just want to get on the plane already! I have a few things coming in the mail still, aka my new camera. I might change my smaller bag for a slightly bigger bag. I have 30 more lbs. I can use with that bag if I want. The only real problem I am having began this morning. My computer decided to go nuts and will not allow me to use internet. EVEN if I have a wifi or ethernet connection! Hopefully my dad can figure out why it is doing this. BUT I found out I. Can still use my phone's wifi in germany so I can still blog and facebook! However, when I get over there I am only going to speak german except for on the 4th of July and during blogging. I figure one day of full english will not undermine the trip :). Well I best be off to finish off my last bits of packing. Check back frequently for updates from Deutschland!!!

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the German experience through my eyes